The 0-4-0 was a popular industrial locomotive and switcher. Although the saddle tank was used frequently in industrial applications, the switcher was more popular with railroads due to the larger fuel and water capacity of the tender. Most railroads stopped ordering 0-4-0s by 1905 but some were built as late as 1916. Over 90% of this type were built as switchers.
The 0-4-0 is a very practical locomotive due to its great power and short length. With its large bore and stroke, it will easily pull twenty to thirty adults, yet a small trailer or station wagon is sufficient to transport this fine model. Should the builder desire to add a tender to make an 0-4-0 switch engine, merely include the two tender sections from the 0-6-0 switcher on the pages following.
Track Gauge
Bore & Stroke
Wheel Diameter
Minimum Turning Radius
40 inches
23 1/2 inches
300 pounds
7 1/4 or 7 1/2 inches
2 3/8 x 3 inches
7 inches
Coal, Oil, or LPG
8 5/8 inch diameter
15 feet

Recommended machinery for building from rough parts:
9 inch swing lathe
medium milling machine