The 4-4-0 American locomotive played a key part in building America during the mid 1800s. This efficient and functional locomotive provided main railroad motive power during the Civil War and has been the center piece of a great many historical events. Our miniature steam powered American is a very authentic scale size model and is a fine performer.
Several hundred of these engines have been built over the years and a visit to any of the live steam tracks in America or Europe will usually find one of these beautiful locomotives in operation and the center of attention.
The America will pull four to six adults, yet is small and easy to handle. All the detail items such as domes, bell, etc., are either bronze or brass. The stack and tender tank are fabricated from sheet metal. The cab and running boards are aluminum castings with the detail cast in them, but wood cab and running boards are also available.

Snow run - Port Angeles, WA

Snow run - Port Angeles, WA
Length (Engine & Tender)
Weight (Engine Only)
Track Gauge
Bore & Stroke
Drive Wheel Diameter
Minimum Turning Radius
64 inches
19 1/2 inches
130 pounds
7 1/4 or 7 1/2 inches
1 3/8 x 2 inches
6 3/4 inches
5 1/8 inch diameter copper
20 feet
Recommended machinery for building from rough parts:
9 inch swing lathe
milling machine (small) or lathe milling attachment